

How to check if an object is an array or not in JavaScript

JavaScript program to find if an object is an array or not in two different ways. It will show how to use Array.isArray and instanceOf operator with examples.


4 ways to add the digits of a number in JavaScript

JavaScript program to add the digits of a number in 4 different ways. This post will show how to add the number digits by using a while loop, for loop, by converting the number to string and with the reduce() function.


6 ways in JavaScript to iterate over an array of objects

JavaScript program to iterate over an array of objects in 6 different ways. We will learn how to use a for loop, while loop, do-while loop, forEach, for...of and loops.


How to find all matches in an array of objects in JavaScript

Different ways in JavaScript to find the matches in an array of objects. We will learn how to use the filter method and how to filter out objects with multiple properties in JavaScript.


JavaScript program to check if an element is present in an Array or not

Three ways in JavaScript to check if an element is in an array or not. We will use a loop, the indexOf method, and the includes method with examples for each.


Show hide a div in JavaScript on button click

JavaScript program to show and hide a div on clicking a button. This post will show you how to write the program with HTML/CSS and how to use the same method for different div components.


How to find simple interest with JavaScript

JavaScript program to find simple interest. We will learn how to solve it with a given value and how to implement it with HTML/CSS.


JavaScript replace multiple characters using single replace call

JavaScript program to replace multiple characters of a string with one single replace call. This post will show you different examples with the replace() method and replaceAll() method with regex.


JavaScript program to find if a number is a Magic number or not

JavaScript program to check if a number is a magic number or not. This post will show you how to check for a magic number by using while loops and with HTML.


How to convert an image to Base64 in JavaScript

JavaScript program to convert an image to Base64. We will learn how to find the Base64 of a local image and a remote image with HTML example programs.
