Flutter program to create a horizontal listview. ListView is used to show a scrollable elements in Flutter. A horizontal listview is a horizontally scrollable component. We will learn two different ways to create it.
ReadFlutter Expanded widget explanation with example. This post will show you how to use expanded widget with an example.
ReadLearn how to change the different colors of a floating action button in flutter. we will learn to use background color, focus color, foreground color, hover color, and splash color.
ReadHow to create a AppBar in flutter using its AppBar widget. AppBar is the topmost component in a mobile application.
ReadChange the size of a flutter floating action button. Flutter floating action button class provides a property called mini that can be used to change it to a mini size.
ReadLearn how to remove the debug label or debug banner in Flutter applications in Debug mode. Removing this label is useful for showing demo of a flutter app.
ReadLearn how to change the maximum and minimum lines in a TextField to create a expandable TextField or auto grow TextField . Flutter TextFields has two properties called maxLines and minLines that can be used to change the maximum and minimum lines in a textfield.
ReadFlutter program to show different properties to customize the textfield cursor. This example will show you how to change textfield cursor color, how to change height/width, corner radius etc.
ReadLearn how to get user input text from a TextField in Flutter. TextField component provides different properties that can be used to get the entered text in a text field.
ReadThis post will show you how to use TextField widget in Flutter and its different properties. I will show you one simple example to use TextField widget in a Flutter application.