

Testing in Android : Part 5 : Automated UI Test using Espresso

UI testing can be done by a human tester performing a set of user operations on the Application and verify that it is behaving as expected. Main problem with this approach is that it is time consuming, tedious and error-prone. Instead, we can use automated approach to simulate user actions on the application easily in a repeatable manner.


Testing in Android : Part 4 : Instrumented Unit Test

These are unit tests that run on real devices instead of JVM . Using instrumented Unit Tests, we can have real implementation of an Android Framework component like SharedPreferences objects, context of an Activity etc. Also , we will not have to mock any objects.1.  Add the following Dependencies :.


Testing in Android : Part 3 : Using Mockito

By default , local unit tests are executed against a modified version of android.jar library. This library does not contain any actual code. So, if we make any call to android classes, it will throw an exception. We can use Mocking Framework mockito to mock objects and define outputs of certain method calls.


Testing in Android : Part 2 : Using Hamcrest

public void additionisCorrect() throws Exception {


Testing in Android : Part 1 : Unit Testing

Unit testing is used to test each of the smallest testable parts (units) individually and independently . By using unit tests, we can easily verify that logic of the individual units is correct. i.e. we should run unit tests after every build to detect software regressions. For android application unit testing, we can create two types of unit tests :.
