

Add pull to refresh in React Native using RefreshControl

React native provides one component to add pull to refresh functionality called RefreshControl. You can use it with a ScrollView or ListView. We need to manually change the state of this component. It calls one function when the refresh starts and we need to manually set it as true to make it appear. Next, once everything i.e. refresh is done, we need to set it as false to make it stop.


React Native KeyboardAvoidingView explanation with example

One of the most common problem that we face while developing react native apps is the keyboard hide the text input when you click on it. For example :.


How to add Background image in React Native

In this post, we will learn how to add a background image in React Native with one example. React Native provides a component called ImageBackground to set a background image.


How to add vibration to a React Native project

If you want to add vibration, react-native provides one API for that. You can create vibrations in single occurrence or pattern. Starting and canceling a vibration is easy. Just call one method and it will do that. Let me show you how.


How to run React Native project on specific iOS simulator

You can run one react native project on a specific iOS simulator device. Open one terminal and run the below command to list down all available simulators :.


How to load gif from url in React Native

Loading a gif from URL is easy in react native. React native provides one Image component that can load gifs from a URL. In this tutorial, I will show you how to load one gif from a remote URL. I will provide you the full working code at the end of this post.


How to load image from url in React Native

Loading an image from a URL is pretty easy in react-native. You don't have to write any extra code to download and load the image. Even you don't need any internet permission for this. In this post, I will show you how to load one image from a URL with an example.


React Native text input with clear button

In this post, we will create one react native project with one text input field and one clear button. The clear button will remove all text from the input field.


React Native program to place two buttons side by side

In this post, I will show you how to place two buttons side by side in react native. We will create one new component for the buttons.


React Native button component example

React native button component is used to show one button on both Android and iOS. If you have worked on Android and iOS projects before, you must be aware of the fact that button looks different on both platforms. React native provides a couple of customization props that we can use to customize a button.
