This tutorial is to show you how we can find out the smallest divisor of a number in python. Number 'y' is called divisor of number 'x' if 'x/y' is 0. Our program will ask the user to enter a no. It will then find out the lowest divisor of the number.
ReadIn this python programming tutorial, we will learn how to insert multiple elements to a list at a specific position. position
ReadIn this python programming tutorial, we will learn how to calculate the total number of vowels in a string.
ReadIn this python programming tutorial, we will learn how to convert a Unicode value to its character value. The program will take one Unicode value from the user and it will print the character that it represents.
ReadPython comes with one built-in method oct() for converting an integer number to octal easily. You need to pass one integer number to this method. It will convert the integer to octal string and returns the value. One thing you should note that the returned octal string is prefixed with 0o. If the parameter value is not a python int, it should define index() method that returns an integer.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn how to print odd numbers within a given range. The program will ask the user to enter the lower and upper limit of the range. It will then find out all the odd numbers in that range and print them out.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn how to rename a directory or file in python with example.Python has one built-in method called rename that can be used for renaming a file or directory. This method is defined as below..
ReadIn this python programming tutorial, we will learn how to check if two strings are an anagram or not.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn about isdisjoint() method of python set with example. isdisjoint() method is used to find out if two sets are disjoint or not. Two sets are called disjoint if they don't have any common elements.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn about the discard method of python set. The discard method is used to remove a specific element from a set if it is available. The syntax of the discard method is as below :.