Kotlin program to print a multiplication table. The program will take a number as input from the user and print a multiplication table for the number.
ReadKotlin program to write to a file in different ways. Kotlin standard library provides a couple of methods to write content to a file. In this post we will learn different ways to do that.
ReadHow to add items to a list in kotlin. This post will show how to add single or multiple items to a kotlin list in 6 different ways.
ReadKotlin binary search implementation for a list of custom objects. Kotlin collection class provides a binary search method that can be used to search in a list.
ReadLearn how to sort a map by value in Kotlin. A map in Kotlin is used to hold key-value pairs and using a key we can access the value of that map. We can also sort a Kotlin map by its values.
ReadKotlin program to find a string in a list of strings. We will learn five different ways to solve this problem. Using a for loop, using find, first, indexOf, indexOfFirst, contains and filter.
ReadLearn how to iterate through a mutablelist in kotlin. We will learn five different ways to iterate a mutablelist in this blog post.
ReadThree different ways to create one empty string array in Kotlin. We will use arrayOf, string constructor and arrayOfNull for that.
ReadThis post will give you an introduction to kotlin extension function and how to use it with examples. Extension functions are used to add more functionality to a kotlin class easily.
Readrepeat is used to repeat any one function for a specific amount of time in Kotlin. This post will show you how to use repeat with example.