How to check if the first character of a string is in lower case or not in JavaScript. We will learn 4 different ways to check it in JavaScript.
ReadLearn how to check if an object is null or undefined in JavaScript. We can do it by using equality operator ==, strict equality operator ===, and by using typeof.
ReadLearn how to check if a string starts with a number in JavaScript in 4 different ways. We will use charCodeAt, charAt, isNaN function and Regex to check it.
ReadJavaScript program to get a random value from an array. Learn how to do that in three different ways - by using Math.random(), ~~ operator, and by using lodash.
ReadJavaScript array values() function explanation with examples. The values() function returns a new array iterator object that can be used to iterate over the array content.
ReadLearn how to print the content of an array in JavaScript in 6 different ways. We will learn how to use a for loop, while loop, do-while loop, forEach, for-of and for-in to print the array content in JavaScript.
ReadJavaScript program to remove all zeros from a number string. This post will show you three different ways to do that- by traversing the string, by using replace() and by using parseInt or parseFloat methods.
ReadJavaScript program to remove all hyphens from a string. This post will show you three different ways to remove all hyphens from a given string in JavaScript
ReadLearn how to use codePointAt method of JavaScript string in this post. codePointAt is an inbuilt method of JavaScript string and this method can be used to get the unicode code point value at a given index.
ReadJavascript Array.isArray() method explanation with examples. The isArray method is used to check if an object is an array or not. Learn how to use this method with examples.