3 different ways in Java to find the sum of Fibonacci series or series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8... of the first n elements.
ReadJava program to check if a number is special or not. It will take one number as input from the user and print if it is a special number or not.
ReadJava program to create a Rectangle class that can calculate the area and perimeter using different methods.
ReadJava program to find special numbers in a range. A number is called special if the sum of factorials of digits of the number is equal to itself.
ReadCan Enum implements interfaces in Java or not. Enum is used to define a list of constants in Java. Learn this with an example.
ReadDifferent ways in Java to append text or strings to a file. We will use FileOutputStream, BufferedWriter, PrintWriter, FileWriter and Files to do that.
ReadJava program to convert a boolean array to string array. We will use String.valueOf and Boolean.toString methods to do the conversion.
ReadJava HashMap.merge() method is used to merge an item to an existing HashMap in Java. Learn how to use HashMap.merge() method with example.
ReadJava program to reverse an array without using an additional array or learn how to do in place array reverse in Java.
ReadJava program to sort elements of an array by frequency. This program will sort the numbers in descending order.