Learn to create a basic tableview in iOS swift in XCode. We will use storyboard to create the tableview with a list of items. Learn how to create the UI in XCode.
ReadLearn how to create different types of alerts in iOS using swift like alerts and actionsheets with different customizable options.
ReadUsing a third-party library may break an existing project if it is not properly tested. Again, for UI components, it is really hard to choose the perfect one. There are a lot of libraries available for any types of UI like a button or a dialogue.
ReadNSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key was introduced in iOS 10. This key should be included in all iOS project if the app is accessing the user's photo library. In this post, I will show you how to add this key to an XCode project.
ReadiOS Swift program to create a button programmatically. We will learn how to create one iOS UI element programmatically using swift. This example will show how to create a UIButton programmatically.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn how to add swipe gesture in iOS applications using swift 4. The swipe gesture can be added to any view. For example, you have one custom notification over your application and you want to remove it if the user swipe from left to right. In that case, we need to add one gesture recognizer on that view. We will add one custom ’view’ and show you how to add all top, bottom, left and right swipe gesture recognizer for that view. Let’s have a look :.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn how to dismiss a keyboard if the user taps on outside on any view. In iOS, the keyboard doesn't dismiss automatically if the user taps anywhere outside of the keyboard view. So, we need to handle it manually. To achieve this, we can simply add one UITapGestureRecognizer to the parent view and dismiss the keyboard if any tap detected. The code looks like as below :.
ReadIn this tutorial, we will learn how to update the badge count of an iOS application using Swift. Badge count is the count number that is displayed with your application icon on home page.
ReadRounded corner UIVIew is useful in many cases like to create a custom button or to create a custom notification etc. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a rounded corner UIView in XCode. This code is compatible with both Swift-3 and Swift-4 :.