Learn how to create a gridview in Flutter in different ways. We will learn four different ways to create a gridview component.
ReadHow to create a horizontal set of toggle buttons in flutter. In Flutter, ToggleButtons class can be used to put a list of buttons in a row. For each button, there is a separate variable to maintain the state.
ReadLearn how to create a switch in Flutter with example. Switch class is used to create a switch widget in flutter. This post will show an example to implement switch and its different properties.
ReadFlutter example program to create a snackbar. Snackbar is used to show a message briefly. This example will show you how to create a snackbar with examples.
ReadFlutter program to create a circular image. Flutter provides CircleAvatar widget that can be used to create a circular image widget. This widget can be used to place a image in a circular widget.
ReadLearn how to create an alert dialog in flutter. AlertDialog class is used to create an alert dialog in flutter. In this post, we will learn how to use this class with example.
ReadLearn how to create a floating action button or FAB in flutter. This is a button that is placed always on above other views and an important component in material design applications.
ReadLearn how to create flutter web or mobile app from command line. This post will show you how to write the cmd with example.
ReadYou can build flutter apps using flutter command line tools with any text editor. However, if you want to get other development helpers like syntax highlighter, widget editing, auto completion, debugging etc., you should consider using one of the editor plugin that is provided by Google for Android studio, VS Code and Intellij-Idea.