String Prefix methods in Swift
Swift string provides a couple of methods to get and check prefix of a string. In this tutorial, I will show you these methods with examples :
1. hasPrefix : Check if a string starts with a prefix :
This method takes one string and checks if that string is prefix or not. It is defined as below :
func hasPrefix(String) -> Bool
It returns true or false.
Let’s take a look at the below example :
var givenString = "Hello String"
It prints the below output :
2. prefix(int) : Get subsequence up to a maximum length :
This method returns one subsequence up to a maximum length, i.e. the length we are passing as the parameter. It returns the starting characters :
var givenString = "Hello String"
It will print :
3. prefix(through: Index) : This method returns a substring from the start index to the index defined :
Similar to the above method, this is defined as below :
func prefix(through: Index) -> Substring
For example :
var givenText = "Hello World !!"
print(givenText.prefix(through: givenText.firstIndex(of: "o")!))
This example returns the substring from the start character to the first occurrence of ‘o’ .
4. prefix(upTo: Index): returns a substring from the start index to the provided index, excluding the provided index :
This method is defined as below :
func prefix(upTo: Index) -> Substring
For example :
var givenText = "Hello World !!"
print(givenText.prefix(upTo: givenText.firstIndex(of: "o")!))
This will return one text from the start character up to ‘o’, excluding it.
5. prefix(while: ch → Bool): Get initial subsequence using a predicate :
This method takes one predicate and returns all characters until the predicate returns false.
var givenText = "Hello World !!"
print(givenText.prefix(while: { (ch) -> Bool in
return ch != "l"
This example gets the initial subsequence of the string givenText using the provided predicate. It prints all characters up to the character before l.
It prints the below output :
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