Swift program to get all keys and values of a dictionary

Swift dictionary is used to hold key-value pairs. Using a key, we can get the value of a specific dictionary key-value pair. Similarly, we can also modify or delete dictionary values using its key.

This tutorial will show you how to get all keys and values of a swift dictionary. Swift dictionary provides two instance properties keys and values that returns a collection containing all keys or values.

keys :

This instance property is defined as below :

var keys: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys { get }

It returns one collection containing all the keys of the dictionary.

Example :

var given_dict = ["one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3]


It will print :

["two", "one", "three"]

values :

This instance property is defined as below :

var values: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Values { get set }

It returns one collection containing all the values of the dictionary.

Example :

var given_dict = ["one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3]


It will print:

[1, 3, 2]