shutil module in python 3 with examples

shutil module in python :

shutil module contains a number of different file operations like copying and deleting files. But one thing we should remember that methods of this module cannot copy all file metadata . On windows, file owners, ACLs and alternate data streams will not be copied. Let’s take a look into some uses of this module :

shutil to copy all files of a directory in python 3 :

It will copy all files of ‘source_dir’ to ‘dest_dir’ :

import shutil
import os

source_dir = "/Users/codevscolor/Desktop/source"
dest_dir = "/Users/codevscolorDesktop/dest"

for file in os.listdir(source_dir):
	fullpath = os.path.join(source_dir, file)

shutil to move all files of a directory in python 3 :

It will move all the files of ‘source_dir’ folder to ‘dest_dir’ folder :

import shutil
import os

source_dir = "/Users/codevscolor/Desktop/source"
dest_dir = "/Users/codevscolorDesktop/dest"

for file in os.listdir(source_dir):
	fullpath = os.path.join(source_dir, file)

shutil to copy a file using buffer :

We can use ‘shutil’ to copy a single file with a optional buffer length. The method used for this is ‘shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst[, length])‘. It will copy the contents of the object ‘fsrc’ to ‘fdst’. By default, the data is read in chunks. Example :

import shutil
import os

source_file = "/Users/codevscolor/Desktop/sourcefile.mkv"
dest_file = "/Users/codevscolor/Desktop/destfile.mkv"
buffer_size = 20

with open(source_file, 'rb') as source:
	with open(dest_file, 'wb') as destination:
		shutil.copyfileobj(source, destination, buffer_size)


The above program will copy the ‘sourcefile.mkv’ to a new location with name ‘destfile.mkv’. The buffer size used here is 20.

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