How to take inputs from user in Python

Introduction :

We have a couple of ways to take user input from the user. Using these methods, we can take input from a user in the middle or start of the program. In this post, I will show you two different ways to take user inputs in command line :

  1. Using input():

input() is the easiest way to take input from a user in between program execution. We can pass one string as the argument to the input method, it can take the input and return the result to a different variable.

For example:

current_value = input("Enter a value : ")

It will produce output something like below :

Enter a value : 20
  1. Using sys.stdin :

sys.stdin is used to take input from a command line directly. It actually uses input() method internally. It adds one new line after the each input it reads.

For using sys.stdin, we need to use import sys.

import sys
for line in sys.stdin: 
    if 'exit' == line.rstrip():

In this example, we are taking the user input and printing it to the console continuously until the user prints exit

For example :

(base) ➜  python python3



(base) ➜  python 

As you can see here, the program exits only when the user enters exit on the console. Else, it prints the same line that was entered.