Python program to reverse all strings in a list of strings

Python program to reverse all strings in a list of strings:

In this post, we will learn how to reverse all strings in a list of strings. For that, we can loop over the elements of the list and for each element, i.e. string, we can reverse it.

Reverse a string in python:

The main issue is to reverse a string. For that, we can use string slicing. For example:

given_text = 'Hello'

It will print:


Reverse all strings in a list:

We can loop through the strings in a list and reverse each string in that list.

given_list = ['Hello', 'world', 'welcome']


modified_list = []
for item in given_list:



  • we are iterating through the strings in the list, reversing each string and appending it to modified_list.

It will print the below output:

['Hello', 'world', 'welcome']
['olleH', 'dlrow', 'emoclew']

This program can be improved by using list comprehension:

given_list = ['Hello', 'world', 'welcome']

modified_list = [item[::-1] for item in given_list]

It will print the same output.

Using map():

We can also use map. It takes one lambda as the first argument and the list as the second argument.

The below program does that:

given_list = ['Hello', 'world', 'welcome']

modified_list = list(map(lambda item: item[::-1], given_list))

It will print the below output:

['Hello', 'world', 'welcome']
['olleH', 'dlrow', 'emoclew']

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