Python program to remove the last character of a string

Python program to remove the last character of a string:

This post will show you how to remove or delete the last character from a string in python. We can use different ways to remove the last character of a string. Since string is immutable, it will create one new string with the last character removed from it.

Method 1: By using negative index slicing:

We can use slicing to create one new string by using start and end indices. Let’s take a look at the below example:

given_str = 'Hello World'


Here, the print method will print one string from index 0 to index 10.

The first index is optional. It considers the start index, i.e. 0. So, the below program will give the same result:

given_str = 'Hello World'


Negative index slicing:

Now, instead of providing a number i.e. length - 1 as the second index, we can also use negative index slicing, i.e. if we provide -1, it will take upto length - 1, if we provide -2, it will be length - 2 etc.

So, to remove the last character from a string, we can provide -1 as the second argument.

given_str = 'Hello World'


It will print:

Hello Worl

i.e. the last character is removed.

We can also create one new variable to store the new string.

given_str = 'Hello World'
new_str = given_str[:-1]


Method 2: By using rstrip:

rstrip method is used to remove the last character from the end of a string. It takes the character as the parameter. We can use negative indexing to get the last character of a string. Just pass that character to rstrip and it will return one new string by removing the last character.

given_str = 'Hello World'
new_str = given_str.rstrip(given_str[-1])


We are passing the last character to given_str.rstrip. The newly created string is stored in new_str. It will print:

Hello Worl

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