Python program to print a cross pattern using star

How to print a cross pattern in Python:

In this post, we will learn how to print a cross pattern in Python using star or *. This program will take the height as input from the user and it will print the pattern.

You can also use any other character to print this pattern. I will explain you the steps to write the algorithm for this pattern. You can use the same algorithm with any programming language.

Algorithm to print a cross pattern:

The cross pattern looks as like below:

*       *
 *     * 
  *   *  
   * *   
   * *   
  *   *  
 *     * 
*       *

This is a pattern of height 9. To find the algorithm to print this pattern, let’s replace all blank spaces with #:


It is the same pattern, the only difference is that spaces are replaced by #.

Let’s say the row starts from 1 and ends at 9. Similary, column starts at 1 and ends at 9.

We are printing *,

  • i = 1 & j = 1 and i = 1 & j = 9
  • i = 2 & j = 2 and i = 2 & j = 8
  • i = 3 & j = 3 and i = 3 & j = 7 etc.

If you look closely, we are printin the character or * if:

  • i and j are equal
  • The value of i + j is equal to height + 1.

So, The program we will write will print * if

  • i and j are equal
  • i + j is equal to height + 1

Other than that, it will print a blank space.

  • Use a for loop to run from 1 to height
    • Use another inner for loop to run from 1 to height.
    • If the variables used for both loops are equal, print *
    • If the sum of the variables is equal to height + 1, print *
    • Else, print a blank space.
    • At the end of the inner for loop, add a newline.

That’s all. Now, let’s write down the program.

Python program to print a cross pattern:

height = int(input('Enter the height of the cross pattern: '))

for i in range(1, height + 1):
    for j in range(1, height + 1):
        if i == j or i + j == height + 1:
            print('*', end='')
            print(' ', end='')


  • We are taking the height of the cross pattern as input from the user. This value is saved in the height variable.
  • The outer for loop is running from i = 1 to i = height.
  • The inner for loop is running from j = 1 to j = height.
  • If i is equal to j or if the value of i + j is equal to height + 1, it prints *. We are using end=” in the print statement to make sure that it will not add any newline at the end of printing.
  • Else, it prints a white space.
  • Once the inner for loop ends, it adds a new line.

Python print cross pattern

Sample output:

This program will print output as like below:

Enter the height of the cross pattern: 7
*     *
 *   * 
  * *  
  * *  
 *   * 
*     *

Enter the height of the cross pattern: 8
*      *
 *    * 
  *  *  
  *  *  
 *    * 
*      *

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