Python program to multiply two float values using a function

Python program to multiply two floating numbers using a function:

In this post, we will learn how to multiply two floating point numbers using a separate function. We will write one separate function that will take the numbers as parameters and return the multiplication value.

If we use a function, we can put all reusable code in that function and call that function from different parts of the program.

A function can take any number of values as parameters and it can return a result to the caller. For this example, the function will take two floating point numbers as its parameters and it will return the product of these two numbers.

Python program to multiply two floating numbers using a function:

Let’s take a look at the below program:

def multiply(first_no, second_no):
    return first_no*second_no

print(multiply(10.0, 2.0))
print(multiply(15.23, 12.98))

It will print the below output:



  • multiply is a function that takes two numbers as parameters and returns its multiplication
  • The print statements are calling the multiply function with two different floating point numbers for each.

Python program to multiply two floating numbers using a function and user input numbers:

We can also take the numbers as user inputs. Similar to the above program, we can call the function with the user input values and it will print the result.

def multiply(first_no, second_no):
    return first_no*second_no

first = float(input('Enter the first number :'))
second = float(input('Enter the second number :'))

print('{}*{} = {}'.format(first, second, multiply(first, second)))

It will print output as like below:

Enter the first number :12.5
Enter the second number :11.6
12.5*11.6 = 145.0

Enter the first number :12.3
Enter the second number :14.67
12.3*14.67 = 180.441


  • we are using input to take the number as input from the user.
  • But input reads the value as string. So, we are passing that value to float() to convert it to a floating point value.