
JavaScript program to check if an element is present in an Array or not

Three ways in JavaScript to check if an element is in an array or not. We will use a loop, the indexOf method, and the includes method with examples for each.


Java program to read user input numbers with blank spaces

How to read user input numbers with blank spaces in Java. The program will read the numbers and add them to an array. We will learn how to solve it by using a loop and by split the string.


How to take user inputs with spaces in C program

Learn how to take user inputs with blank spaces in C programming. We will learn how to do it with scanf and with fgets method with examples.


Show hide a div in JavaScript on button click

JavaScript program to show and hide a div on clicking a button. This post will show you how to write the program with HTML/CSS and how to use the same method for different div components.


How to find simple interest with JavaScript

JavaScript program to find simple interest. We will learn how to solve it with a given value and how to implement it with HTML/CSS.


5 ways to check if Dart LinkedHashMap contains a key or value

Dart program to check if a LinkedHashMap contains a key or value in 5 different ways. This post will show you different ways with examples.


3 ways to remove items to a LinkedHashMap in Dart

3 different ways to remove items to a LinkedHashMap in Dart. We will learn how to use the remove, removeWhere and clear methods to remove items from a LinkedHashMap.


Dart program to update single or multiple items of a LinkedHashMap

Learn how to update a single or multiple items of a Dart LinkedHashMap with examples. We will use the update() and updateAll() methods of the LinkedHashMap.


3 ways to add items to a LinkedHashMap in Dart

3 different ways to add items to a LinkedHashMap in Dart. We will learn how to use the addAll method and how to use entries to add items to a LinkedHashMap.


7 ways to create a LinkedHashMap in Dart

7 different ways to create a LinkedHashMap in Dart with example. This post will show you how to create a LinkedHashMap in Dart with different ways with examples.
