Introduction :
String is a sequence of characters. All strings are of String class. For example, “Hello World” is a string. One more important thing is that String is immutable in Kotlin, i.e. you cann’t change any character of a string variable. Kotlin has introduced one new concept for string called string template. It allows us to include one variable or expression to a string. In this tutorial, we will show you how string template works in kotlin with different examples :
String template with variables :
String template works with variables and complex expressions. If you place any variable with a ”$” sign in front of it, it will be treated as a string template in kotlin. For example :
fun main(args: Array) {
val rank = 5
println("Rank for Albert is : $rank")
It will print the below output :
Rank for Albert is : 5
As you can see that the value of rank is concatenated to the string literal when we have added ’$’ before that variable.
String template with expression :
String template can be used with a simple or complex expression. e.g. :
fun main(args: Array) {
val currentValue = 5
println("Increment by one : ${currentValue+1}")
It will print :
Increment by one : 6
As you can see everything inside a curly braces is an expression. This expression is evaluated and concatenate with the string. We can even use a more complex expression like below :
fun main(args: Array) {
val currentValue = 50
var result = "$currentValue is ${if(currentValue % 2 == 0)
"even" else
Output :
50 is even
With raw string :
Raw strings is delimeted by triple quoted that supports special characters without using a "". Since they doesn’t support any escape character, the below string will not add any newline to it :
fun main(args: Array) {
var result = """Hello \n World"""
It will simply print :
Hello \n World
We can get help of string template to use escaped characters in raw string like :
fun main(args: Array) {
var result = """Hello ${"\n"} World"""
It will add one newline character between the two words.
Conclusion :
String template removes the requirement of ”+” while concatenating string and other variable or expressions. It is really one of the best feature that kotlin provides. Go through the examples we have discussed above and drop a comment below if you have any queries.
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