Introduction :
In Javascript, the Date object is used to work with date and time. It provides a lot of different methods to create Date and to do different modification on it. It provides a set of different getter methods to get different date properties. In this post, I will show you these getter methods with examples.
Javascript Date getter methods :
Following are the available getter methods available in Date :
1. getDate() :
It returns the current date of the month for a date object. This value ranges from 1 to 31.
2. getDay() :
It returns the day in a week. It ranges from 0 to 6. 0 is for Sunday and 6 is for Saturday.
3. getFullYear() :
It returns the full year, i.e. in four digits for a Date object.
4. getHours :
Get the current hour in 24 hour format. It is in the range from 0 to 23.
5. getMilliseconds() :
Return the milliseconds for the current Date object. It is in the range from 0 to 999.
6. getMinutes() :
Return the current minutes for the current Date object. It is in the range from 0 to 59.
7. getSeconds() :
Get the current seconds in the range of 0 to 59.
8. getMonth() :
Get the current month in the range of 0 to 11.
9. getTime() :
It returns the time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC in milliseconds i.e. time passed in milliseconds starting January 1, 1970.
10. getTimezoneOffset() :
Returns the timezone offset for the Date object in minutes.
11. getYear() :
Get the current year in two or three digits format.
Example :
Let’s learn the above methods with an example :
var date = new Date();
console.log(`Given date : ${date}`);
console.log(`getDate() : ${date.getDate()}`);
console.log(`getDay() : ${date.getDay()}`);
console.log(`getFullYear() : ${date.getFullYear()}`);
console.log(`getHours() : ${date.getHours()}`);
console.log(`getMilliseconds() : ${date.getMilliseconds()}`);
console.log(`getMinutes() : ${date.getMinutes()}`);
console.log(`getMonth() : ${date.getMonth()}`);
console.log(`getSeconds() : ${date.getSeconds()}`);
console.log(`getTime() : ${date.getTime()}`);
console.log(`getTimezoneOffset() : ${date.getTimezoneOffset()}`);
console.log(`getYear() : ${date.getYear()}`);
Output :
Given date : Thu Sep 26 2019 19:23:09 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
getDate() : 26
getDay() : 4
getFullYear() : 2019
getHours() : 19
getMilliseconds() : 920
getMinutes() : 23
getMonth() : 8
getSeconds() : 9
getTime() : 1569505989920
getTimezoneOffset() : 300
getYear() : 119
UTC methods :
Date also has few methods that returns the data in UTC. Let’s have a look :
1. getUTCDate() :
This method is used to get the date in UTC format.
2. getUTCDay() :
Returns the day of the week as per UTC in range 0 to 6.
3. getUTCFullYear() :
Returns the full year as per UTC in four digit.
4. getUTCHours() :
Get the current hours as per UTC. This is in range 0 to 23.
5. getUTCMilliseconds() :
Get the current milliseconds time as per UTC. It is in range 0 to 999.
6. getUTCMinutes() :
Get the current minute as per UTC. It is in range 0 to 59.
7. getUTCMonth() :
Get the current month as per UTC in range 0 to 11.
8. getUTCSeconds() :
Get the seconds in UTC in the range 0 to 59.
Example :
You can run the below example to check these methods :
var date = new Date();
console.log(`Given date : ${date}`);
console.log(`getUTCDate() : ${date.getUTCDate()}`);
console.log(`getUTCDay() : ${date.getUTCDay()}`);
console.log(`getUTCFullYear() : ${date.getUTCFullYear()}`);
console.log(`getUTCHours() : ${date.getUTCHours()}`);
console.log(`getUTCMilliseconds() : ${date.getUTCMilliseconds()}`);
console.log(`getUTCMinutes() : ${date.getUTCMinutes()}`);
console.log(`getUTCMonth() : ${date.getUTCMonth()}`);
console.log(`getUTCSeconds() : ${date.getUTCSeconds()}`);