How to remove empty values while split a string in Java

How to remove empty values while split in Java:

Suppose a string is given and its words are separated by a separator, including the empty values. We need to write a program to remove the empty values of the string and put the words in an array.

Let’s say the string is:

"one,two,,three,,four,,, ,"

In the above string, there are empty words, and each word is separated by a comma.

Now, let’s try to get the non-empty words in a separate array in different ways:

By using stream:

We can use the split method to get the words in an array and the stream API can be used to filter out the non-empty words of that array. The program will use the following steps:

  • Use the split method to get an array of the string words.
  • Convert that array to a stream with the method.
  • Remove all empty values of the stream by using the filter method.
  • Convert the stream back to an array by using the toArray method.

Below is the complete program:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Example1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String givenString = "one,two,,three,,four,,  , ,";

        String[] resultArray =",")).filter(e -> e.trim().length() > 0)


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If you run the above program, it will give the following result:

[one, two, three, four]

java remove empty while split

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