Java program to convert a character to string

Java program to convert a character to string:

In this post, I will show you how to convert a character to String in Java. Character to String conversion is required many times while you develop any Java applications. For example, if we are receiving the data as a character and we want to pass it to a method as String, we need to first convert this character to a string before calling that method.

We will learn different ways to convert a character to a string in this post.

Method 1: By using String.valueOf:

We can use the String.valueOf method. This method takes one character as the parameter and returns one String, i.e. the character as the string.

The below program uses String.valueOf to convert a character to string:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Character ch = 'a';
        String chString = String.valueOf(ch);

        System.out.println("Final String : " + chString);

If you run this, it will print output as like below: Java convert character to string

Method 2: By using Character.toString():

Character.toString() is another method defined in the Character class. It takes one character as the parameter and returns its String value.

Below Java program uses Character.toString() to convert a character to string:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Character ch = 'a';
        String chString = Character.toString(ch);

        System.out.println("Final String : " + chString);

It will print similar output.

Both of these methods give the same result. You can use any one of them.

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