

How to show hide Activity Indicator spinner on button click in React Native

In this React Native tutorial program, we will learn how to show/hide one Activity Indicator based on a button click. The user will click one button to show the loading spinner and click it again to hide it.


ActivityIndicator in React Native

ActivityIndicator is used to show a circular progress loader. For example, if you are downloading something from the internet and you want to show a progress indicator to the user, you can use ActivityIndicator. This component is easy to use and with a few customizable properties.


How to create a rounded corner button in React Native

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create one rounded corner button in React Native.


How to create one circular image in React Native

A circular image is required in many places like a profile picture, album cover etc. It is pretty easy to create in react native. If you know how to add one image component, then you can simply jump to the code. I will show you how to make one image circular, how to add one border with width and color in React Native.


How to make password TextInput style in React Native

In this tutorial, we will learn how to make one TextInput component to take password inputs. By default, if you enter any text in a TextInput field, it is visible. Converting it to a password field means changing the text not readable to the user.


React Native switch component explanation with examples

Switch is available in both android and iOS. This component is mainly used to add one turn on/off feature in Mobile apps. React-native provides one switch component with a couple of different props. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use this component and its props.


How to parse JSON from local file in React Native

This tutorial will show you how to parse JSON from a local JSON file in react native with an example project. We can use the same method to parse JSON from a server response.


How to show a Toast message in a react native application

Learn how to show a Toast message in a react native application with example. React native provides a class called ToastAndroid which can be used to show a simple toast in an android Application.


React Native: How to detect text change and edit ends in TextInput

TextInput component is used in React native for entering text. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use a TextInput component to listen to the entered text and when the editing ends.


How to show an alert in React Native

Showing an Alert message in React-Native is easier than you think. If you want to show a custom alert to the user, then you need to create a different component, but for default alert, we can use one API known as Alert.
