Instance variables are variables declared inside a class. Every object of that class gets a new copy of instance variables. In this post, we will learn how instance variables work and different ways to initialize them.
ReadDart constructors are called when we create an instance of a class. Each class has one default constructor. It is a no-argument constructor and it is invoked if we don't call any other constructors while creating an object.
ReadYou must be familiar with the term class if you have worked on any object-oriented programming language. Objects are an instance of classes. Class is a blueprint and objects are created using that blueprint.
ReadYou can't directly print the dollar($) symbol in dart. It is used only with an identifier or an expression in curly braces. For example :.
ReadThis tutorial will show you how to remove the last character of a string in dart in two different ways. The first way will use the substring method to find the last character and the second way will use one regex.
ReadreplaceAll is a dart string method that replaces part of a string defined by a pattern with a given value. It creates the new string and returns it.
Readtry-catch block is used to handle exceptions. The catch block can take two parameters - first one is the exception and the second one is a StackTrace object. StackTrace holds the call sequence that triggers one exception. StackTrace is created at runtime and it is an object of class StackTrace.
ReadWe can throw an exception manually in Dart. Dart has a couple of predefined Exceptions and these are thrown automatically on any unexpected result. You can raise predefined exceptions, custom exceptions or arbitrary objects. In this post, I will quickly show you how to throw an exception in dart with examples.
ReadExceptions are runtime errors. During program execution, if any unexpected happens, an exception is thrown. If you don't have any handling for the exception, the program will crash. All exceptions in dart are unchecked exceptions i.e. they are not checked at compile time. The program will only check and throw it at runtime.
Readcontinue is used to skip the current iteration of a loop. You can use continue with while, for and do-while loop. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use continue with different examples.