C++ program to invert all bits:
In C++, we can use compl to invert all bits of a bitset variable. This keyword makes it easy to invert the bits with just one line. In this post, I will show you how to use compl with one example.
Syntax of compl:
Below is the syntax of compl:
compl operand
We can use this keyword with a bitset operand to invert all bits.
C++ example program:
Below program shows how to use bitset:
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
int main()
bitset<6> bitValue("101100");
cout << "Original value : " << bitValue << endl;
bitValue = compl bitValue;
cout << "After compl : " << bitValue << endl;
It prints the below output:
Original value : 101100
After compl : 010011
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