How to find the exponent without using pow() method in C++:
We can find the exponent without using the pow() method in C++. We can use a loop or a recursive method. To find a^b, we have to multiply a with itself for b number of times.
In this post, we will learn how to calculate the exponent by using a for loop, while loop and with a recursive method.
Example 1: C++ program find the exponent by using for loops:
The below program uses for loops to find the exponent value. It takes two numbers as inputs from the user and finds the exponent using a for loop.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long power(long b, long e)
long p = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < e; i++)
p *= b;
return p;
int main()
long b, e;
cout << "Enter the base: " << endl;
cin >> b;
cout << "Enter the exponent: " << endl;
cin >> e;
cout << b << "^" << e << "=" << power(b, e) << endl;
In this example,
- The base and exponent values are stored in b and e variables. Both are long variables.
- The power method takes the base and exponent values as its arguments.
- It uses a for loop to find the power. Variable p is used to hold the power. It is initialized as 1.
- The for loop runs for e number of times and on each iteration, it multiplies current value of p with b and save that value in p.
- Once the loop ends, p will hold the value of the required exponent.
It will give output as like below:
Enter the base:
Enter the exponent:
Enter the base:
Enter the exponent:
Example 2: C++ program find the exponent by using while loops:
We can also write the above program using while loops. It will work similarly.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long power(long b, long e)
long p = 1;
p *= b;
return p;
int main()
long b, e;
cout << "Enter the base: " << endl;
cin >> b;
cout << "Enter the exponent: " << endl;
cin >> e;
cout << b << "^" << e << "=" << power(b, e) << endl;
On each iteration of the loop, it decrements the value of e by 1 and multiplies b to the current value of p. Once the while loop ends, p will hold the exponential value.
It will give similar output.
Example 3: C++ program find the exponent recursively:
A recursive method calls itself again and again till it finds a result. We can find the exponent value by using a recursive method. The below program uses a recursive method to find the exponent:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long power(long b, long e, long p)
if (e == 0)
return p;
return power(b, e - 1, p * b);
int main()
long b, e;
cout << "Enter the base: " << endl;
cin >> b;
cout << "Enter the exponent: " << endl;
cin >> e;
cout << b << "^" << e << "=" << power(b, e, 1) << endl;
- power is a recursive method. It takes the base, exponent and also result as its arguments.
- On first call, we are passing p as 1.
- It calls itself again with updated b, e and p values.
- It returns the value of p once e become 0. On each iteration, the value of e is decremented by 1.
It will give similar result.
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