How to append characters from a string to another string in C++

How to append characters from a string to another string in C++:

In this post, we will learn how to append characters from a string to another string in C++. We will use cstring for this. cstring provides a couple of useful methods those can be used with c-type strings, i.e. character array.

strncat is the method used to append characters from a character array to another character array.


strncat is defined as like below:

char * strncat ( char * dest, const char * src, size_t num );

It appends the first num characters from src to dest and adds a terminating null-character.


  • dest is the pointer to the destination array.
  • src is the source string.
  • num is the number of characters to append.

It returns the dest.

Example of strncat:

Let’s take a look at the below example:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

int main()
    char firstArr[20] = "abcd efg";
    char secondArr[20] = "hijk lmnop";
    strncat(firstArr, secondArr, 4);

    cout << firstArr << endl;
    return 0;

It will print:

abcd efghijk

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