C program to find the first and last position of a character in a string :
In this tutorial, we will learn how to find the first and last position of a character in a given string using C. The program will take the inputs(string and character) from the user and find out the first and last occurance of the given character. Let’s take a look at the program first :
C program :
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char str[100];
int firstPosition = -1;
int lastPosition = -1;
char ch;
int i;
printf("Enter a string : \n");
fgets(str, 100, stdin);
printf("Enter the character to search : ");
scanf("%c", &ch);
for (i = 0; str[i]; i++)
if (str[i] == ch)
if (firstPosition == -1)
firstPosition = i;
lastPosition = i;
if (firstPosition == -1 && lastPosition == -1)
printf("Character '%c' is not found in the string\n", ch);
else if (lastPosition == -1)
printf("Character '%c' is found 1 time on position '%d'\n", ch, firstPosition);
printf("Character '%c' is found on position '%d' first,and on position '%d' last\n", ch, firstPosition, lastPosition);
Explanation :
The commented numbers in the above program denote the step-number below :
- Create one character array variable to store the string.
- Create two integer variables to store the first and the last position of the character. One character variable ch to store the input character and one integer variable i to use in the loop.
- Ask the user to enter a string. Read the string and save it in variable str.
- Ask the user to enter the character . Read it and save it in variable ch.
- Run one for-loop to scan all the characters of the string.
- Check for each character if it is equal to the input character or not.
- If the current character is equal to the input character, check if first position value is still -1 or not. -1 means this is the first occurrence of the chracter. Update the first position variable if it is the first occurrence, else update the second position variable.
- After all characters are scanned, check if the character is found or not, if it is found one time or multiple time. Print the results accordingly.
Sample Output :
Enter a string :
hello world
Enter the character to search : e
Character 'e' is found 1 time on position '1'
Enter a string :
hello world
Enter the character to search : x
Character 'x' is not found in the string
Enter a string :
hello world
Enter the character to search : l
Character 'l' is found on position '2' first,and on position '9' last