How to return multiple values from a function in Swift

How to return multiple values from a function in Swift:

We can return multiple values from a swift function. It can be achieved by returning a tuple. Using a tuple, we can group multiple values of different types and we can return that. Each element can be accessed by its name.

Example to return multiple values from a function:

Let’s take a look at the below program:

func getUserInfo() -> (name: String,age: Int) {
    return ("Alex", 20)

let user = getUserInfo()



  • We are returning one string and one integer value from the function getUserInfo
  • We are printing the values by accessing them by their names.

We can also return values from a function without using name:

func getUserInfo() -> (String, Int) {
    return ("Alex", 20)

let user = getUserInfo()


It will print the below output for both of the above programs:


Returning optional values:

We can return optional values from a function. We can have multiple optionals returning from a function. For example:

func getUserInfo() -> (name: String?, age: Int?) {
    return ("Alex", nil)

let user = getUserInfo()


It will print:


Even if we mark return values as optional, we need to return values from a function.

Returning optional tuple:

Instead of returning optional values from a tuple, we can mark the whole tuple as optional as like below :

func getUserInfo() -> (name: String, age: Int)? {
    return nil

let user = getUserInfo()


For this example, we can return the tuple or nil.

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