How to check if a swift dictionary is empty or not

Swift dictionary provides isEmpty property to check if a dictionary is empty or not. This is a boolean property to indicate whether a dictionary is empty or not.

Other than that, we can also check the length of a dictionary to determine if it contains values. Dictionary property count returns the count of values. If it is zero, we can say that the dictionary is empty.

Example with isEmpty :

Let’s consider the below example :

var first_dict = ["two": 2, "four": 4]

var second_dict: [String:Int] = [:]

    print("first_dict is empty !")

    print("second_dict is empty !")

In this example, we have two dictionaries : first_dict and second_dict where, second_dict is empty. We are checking the value of isEmpty for both dictionaries and printing one message if it is empty.

It prints the below output :

second_dict is empty !

i.e. isEmpty for second_dict is true.

Example with count :

Alternatively, we can check the count of a dictionary and call it empty if the count is 0.

Let me change the above example with count :

var first_dict = ["two": 2, "four": 4]

var second_dict: [String:Int] = [:]

if(first_dict.count == 0){
    print("first_dict is empty !")

if(second_dict.count == 0){
    print("second_dict is empty !")

It prints the same output.